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Zambezi Times Online 2003

Brazil Exports Ideas On Aid To Angola

LUANDA, Nov. 3 - Brazil wants to export its humanitarian ideas to Africa, specifically Angola, where a group of Brazilian officials are currently meeting.

The plan calls for Brazil to help Angola, where a group led by Brazil President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, is now meeting with Angolan counterparts.

They are attempting to resurrect Africa's agricultural industry, disseminated by years of civil war, with technical training and other aid.

The Brazilian officials also want Angola to adopt Brazil's model for hunger eradication, "Zero Fome" (Zero Hunger).

The federally funded program is attempting to provide food to all of Brazilians.

The Brazilian minister in charge of Zero Fome, Jose Graziano, said he would help Angola create its own version of Zero Fome, if that nation's leaders are interested in doing so.

Angola currently receives aid from the U.N. World Food Program.

Angola's civil war, which lasted 27 years, ended in 2002 . It produced an estimated 4 million refugees and destroyed much of the country's infrastructure and food-producing capabilities.

Source: United Press International

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