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Zambezi Times Online 2004

World Bank Provides Zambia With Credit Of 7 Million Dollars

LUSAKA, Feb 22 - The World Bank, through the International Development Association, has provided Zambia a credit of 7 million US dollars towards the cost of emergency drought recovery program public works component, local newspaper Sunday Times of Zambia reported.

Urban and Feeder Roads Principal Engineer Davies Zulu was quoted as saying the project would involve spot improvement of the selected rural feeder roads in 38 drought affected districts to improve access to basic social economic services.

Zulu said in order to provide work to communities within a reasonable distance from their residence, feeder roads had been identified in 38 districts and that priority would be given to the most affected areas.

He said each road work would cost an average of 20,000 US dollars and would improve badly damaged road sections, culverts, small bridges, and related drainage structures.

Zulu added the regions identified to be covered include Central, Eastern, Lusaka, North-Western provinces.

"The investment will improve nearly 1,700 km of the road network and should lead to the improvement of rural infrastructure and thus assist agricultural production by improving access to rural markets," said Zulu.

He said other local civil works of utility nature would also be covered under this program in order to provide temporary employment to the affected population in communities.

"These works will include improvement of shallow drinking water wells, construction of VIP latrines, repair and reconstruction of dip tanks, improvement of small dams and other works of community use," he said.

The program is being managed by the Office of Vice-President through Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit.

Source: Xinhua

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