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Zambezi Times Online 2004

Norway, Netherlands Fund Zambia's Agro Sector

LUSAKA, Feb 26 - The Norwegian government has set aside 10 million US dollars while the Netherlands government has released 8.5 million euro to support Zambia's agricultural sector, local newspaper Daily Mail reported Thursday.

Norwegian Ambassador to Zambia Halvard Lesteberg and Charge'd Affaires at the Netherlands embassy in Zambia Jan Waltmans were quoted as saying the purpose of this arrangement is to allow for more coordinated and efficient support to agriculture.

The programs eligible to be co-financed under this arrangement will be the ones targeting commercial and private agricultural development and particular focus will be paid to activities and programs that will contribute to the development of agriculture as an economic growth sector.

The outcome of this cooperation will be increased export earnings, increased coverage of domestic market, increased number of people involved in commercial farming and from the farming level to export of processed produce and experience-related inputs to government's policy formulation process.

Source: Xinhua

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