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ILO Urges The Labour Movement To Unite

LUSAKA, May 28 - International Labour Organisation (ILO) country director Louis Ndaba-Hagamye yesterday called on the labour movement in Zambia to be united and speak with one voice if they are to achieve their goals.

Ndaba-Hagamye said that though the unions in Zambia were doing what they could for their members, there was need for the labour unions in the country to be united and act in as a united force.

He said there was need for the unions to resolve their problems with employers in a peaceful manner through dialogue, collective bargaining and in good faith.

Ndaba-Hagamye said it was not healthy for the labour movement to remain fragmented into smaller unions, as was the case at the moment.

"We know of course that all those labour unions represent and promote different interests," he observed.

Ndaba-Hagamye said there was need for labour unions to amalgamate and work together as a united force through joint committees for a common goal.

He said unions should collaborate despite having different views and that the right to freedom of association did not mean having many smaller unions.

Ndaba-Hagamye said that despite the current situation that the labour unions were subjected to, like the wage freeze, which was effected by government in its bid to reach the Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) completion point, the labour movement was doing all it could to represent workers' interests.

He said it was not possible to resolve the problem of unemployment all at once because it was a very complex issue.

Ndaba-Hagamye said the issue of unemployment was a complex one because there were a lot of factors to be considered such as the economy and donor influence.

By Kaunda Mwale
Source: The Post / allAfrica Global Media

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