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'Nujoma An Example For African Continent'

WINDHOEK, May 31 - Zambia's founding president Kenneth Kaunda has praised President Sam Nujoma for his decision to relinquish power as Head of State.

Kaunda told Polytechnic students on Friday that "great things were happening" in Namibia at this time, He felt that it was the President's love for his people that had influenced his decision to allow someone else to take the reins from him.

Nujoma, he said, was leading by example for the whole of Africa.

Kaunda was in Windhoek on Friday on the eve of the Swapo Extraordinary Congress to elect Swapo's presidential candidate.

Lands Minister Hifikepunye Pohamba emerged the winner over former Foreign Minister Hidipo Hamutenya and Higher Education Minister Nahas Angula as the ruling party's presidential candidate.

Kaunda described Nujoma as having been "a great son of Africa" and a "great freedom fighter" throughout his life.

The former Zambian leader said that even though Nujoma would be stepping down, he was sure that Namibia's founding president would continue to serve his people in other ways.

Kaunda was president of Zambia for 27 years - from 1964-1991.

Today he is actively engaged in the campaign against the HIV-AIDS pandemic throughout Africa.

It was in this capacity that Kaunda visited Namibia - to take part in the Polytechnic's 2004 HIV-AIDS awareness campaign.

By Lindsay Dentlinger
Source: The Namibian / allAfrica Global Media

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